June 5, two articles on music, religion and the postcolonial condition

Place: PCHoofthuis, Room 440, Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam
Time: June 5, 2015, 15-18h
We shall read two titles that have been suggested by one of our organisers, Wouter Capitain, who will introduce them. You can download them from the links below, and the titles should already give you an idea…
I think this stuff is really interesting, and its also the last meeting of this semester, so I hope you will come!
Aidi, The X Factor (ch 10 of Rebel Music: Race, Empire and the New Muslim Youth Culture)
Kara, Postcolonial Musicological Present (ch 2 of Sacred and Secular Musics: A Postcolonial Approach)
This session’s reading is perhaps a little more challenging than usual, please bear…it’s worth while!