Februari 6, Lila Ellen Gray, the intro to her book on Fado

On Februari 6, at 1500h, in room 440 of the PCHoofthuis, we shall meet to discuss the introduction of Lila Ellen Gray’s recent book on Fado:
The book has been received very well, the well-known musicologist Steven Feld wrote:

“Lila Ellen Gray positions Lisbon’s amateur fado scene in terms of all the contestation about what fado is and where the action is taking place. This positioning is a unique and valuable contribution to music ethnography, and Gray does major and convincing intellectual work arguing for ‘amateur’ scenes as paths into the deepest musical and ethnographic understandings of genre, style, performance, poesis, and the ways that sociality is lived and experienced through sound.”—Steven Feld

The chapter we’re reading has been distributed to members of the reading group, but we’re not making it available here. Note however, that the book is in a quite affordable paperback (click on the image below). Or sign up for the reading group by mailing to wvdm[at]me.com